Overview: On Oct 22th 2022, Medisetter Vietnam hosted an official CME event on “Full Approach to Take Care of Premature Infants from NICU to Re-examination”, in collaboration with the Perinatal And Neonatal Association of HCMC
Prof. Dr Ngo Minh Xuan- President of Perinatal And Neonatal Association of HCMC (PANAH), and the Chairman of University Council PHAM NGOC THACH University of Medicine, HCMC opened the conference and proceeded to host an exciting top-management panel discussion on “Full approach to take care of premature infant from NICU to re-examination”.
Preterm birth is the leading cause of newborn death. Advances in neonatal care and treatments for preterm babies have greatly increased the chances for survival of even the smallest babies.
Short-Term Effects of Preterm Birth:
Preterm babies often require special care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). In general, the earlier the preterm infant, the greater the likelihood that life support will be needed, meaning a longer stay in the NICU. Preterm babies are at higher risk of being readmitted to the hospital and at higher risk of death after they go home. Two of the most serious problems of preterm birth are respiratory distress and immature brains
Long-Term Effects of Preterm Birth:
Preterm babies can suffer lifelong effects such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, visual and hearing impairments, and poor health and growth. Babies born only a few weeks early (late preterm, 34-36 weeks) often have long-term difficulties such as: Behavioral and social-emotional problems Learning difficulties Increased risk of conditions such as Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Increased risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Our Scope of Work: Medisetter was responsible for end-to-end organization of the event including all application paperwork and documentation, coordination with scientific endorsement / CME Certificate issuance partners, speaker and topic selection and overall content direction. We also promoted this event to our own community of more than 21,000 verified medical practitioners as well as through external channels. All HCPs who registered were also emailed with reminders and links to join the event online. Medisetter managed the entire technical hosting process on Zoom Webinar and conducted two quizzes using the Zoom webinar poll function, one at at the end of each speaker’s presentation, in order to test participants’ knowledge and boost engagement.

Outcome: The event was attended by 465 HCPs with an average attendance duration of almost 2.5 hours and a high degree of interaction with 29 questions received from the audience during the Q&A session. The registration-to-attendance conversion rate was an impressive 81%.
Total Unique Registrations: 573
Total Unique Participants: 465
Average attendance time (mins): 147
Show-up rate (%): 81%
Peak Participants: 344
Questions Received from Audience: 29